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¡Supervivencia! Desierto (Survival! Desert) (Spanish Version)

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Libro ¡Supervivencia! Desierto (Survival! Desert) (Spanish Version)

Imagine being lost and stranded in the desert. Would you know what to do to survive? This useful Spanish-translated nonfiction title explains the important skills needed to survive in the desert. With helpful diagrams and images, definitions, tips and instructions, informational text, a bibliography, and a list of other helpful websites, readers can be assured that they will learn about the dangers of heat exhaustion, desert plants that could aid in survival, and other helpful tips in order to survive in an emergency.

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Total de páginas 48



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Do you know the important skills it takes to survive in the jungle? Learn about them in this useful, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. With helpful diagrams, vital tips and instructions, vivid images, and a glossary of useful terms, this title will have readers feeling aware and prepared!

¡Supervivencia! Océano (Survival! Ocean) (Spanish Version)

Libro ¡Supervivencia! Océano (Survival! Ocean) (Spanish Version)

What do you do if you find yourself stranded at sea? This useful Spanish-translated nonfiction book gives readers the information they need in order to survive at sea. With essential tips and instructions, helpful diagrams and images, a bibliography, and a list of other useful websites, readers will learn everything they need in order to survive--from the dangers of hypothermia, what to do if there's only saltwater available, and other useful survival skills.

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