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El regalo de cumpleaños del abuelo (Grandpa's Birthday Present)

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Libro El regalo de cumpleaños del abuelo (Grandpa's Birthday Present)

Combine valuable fifth grade math and literacy skills in a purposeful way with the Spanish-translated math reader El regalo de cumpleaños del abuelo (Grandpa's Birthday Present). Focusing on the critical skills that 5th graders need to know to advance to the next level, this book incorporates key concepts into an engaging text that showcases math skills needed to create a budget and calculate sale prices. This high-interest nonfiction reader introduces how to convert percentages, decimals, and fractions. Filled with mathematical charts, diagrams, and practice problems, the text features in this nonfiction reader boosts comprehension and academic vocabulary.

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Titulo Alternativo : Entender porcentajes (Understanding Percents)

Total de páginas 32



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