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Deliciously Ella. Mi libro de cocina vegana: 100 recetas sencillas, sanas y deli ciosas elaboradas con ingredientes vegetales / Deliciously Ella

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Libro Deliciously Ella. Mi libro de cocina vegana: 100 recetas sencillas, sanas y deli ciosas elaboradas con ingredientes vegetales / Deliciously Ella

100 recetas sencillas, sanas y deliciosas elaboradas con ingredientes vegetales y un viaje apasionante por la filosofía culinaria de Ella. El último libro de Ella presenta más de cien nuevas recetas de la popular autora, organizadas para demostrar lo exquisita y copiosa que puede llegar a ser una dieta basada en vegetales. Sus recetas, sencillas de preparar y siempre veganas, cubren un amplio abanico de posibilidades: desde ensaladas de colores hasta hamburguesas y falafel vegetarianos, salsas, acompañamientos cremosos, energéticos guisos y curris, desayunos rápidos, brunch de fin de semana, tartas y brownies. Un libro imprescindible para los amantes de los platos saludables y una guía necesaria para quienes busquen experimentar con la cocina vegana por primera vez. El libro de cocina más vendido según el Sunday Times. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION 100 all-new plant-based recipes by bestselling author Deliciously Ella. "Deliciously magnificent!" --Kris Carr, author of the NYT-bestselling Crazy Sexy Diet Ella's latest book features the most popular, tried-and-tested recipes from her supper clubs, pop-ups, and deli to show how delicious and abundant plant-based cooking can be. These simple vegan recipes cover everything from colorful salads to veggie burgers, falafel, creamy dips and sides, hearty one-pot curries and stews, speedy breakfasts, weekend brunches, muffins, cakes, and brownies. They're the recipes that Ella's thousands of customers have been asking for since the deli first launched in 2015, and each recipe has a beautiful photograph to show you how it should look. In addition to the more than 100 brand-new plant-based recipes, for the first time we are treated to a personal insight into Ella's journey--how she grew her blog, which she began writing to help get herself well while suffering from illness, into a wellness brand--and all that she has learned along the way, as well as what drives the Deliciously Ella philosophy and her team's passion for creating delicious, healthy food. With diary excerpts that document the incredible journey that Deliciously Ella has taken and more than 100 irresistible recipes for every day using simple, nourishing ingredients, this stunning book will be a must-have for fans and food-lovers alike, and it's also perfect for anyone looking to experiment with vegan cooking for the first time.

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  • Ella Mills
  • Deliciously Ella


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