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Los indígenas americanos de Texas (American Indians in Texas) 6-Pack

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Libro Los indígenas americanos de Texas (American Indians in Texas) 6-Pack

Groups of American Indians had been living in the Texas region for thousands of years when American settlers decided to expand westward. This captivating book has been translated into Spanish and explores the history of American Indians in Texas and how each group found different ways to live in the region they inhabited. Readers will learn about a variety of tribes, including Karankawa tribe, Jumano, Caddo, Lipan Apache, and Shoshone and discover how they struggled to survive European colonization, the Indian Removal Act, and American expansion. Other topics include the Dawes Act, Indian Civil Rights Act, and peace treaties. Through plenty of interesting and intriguing facts, engaging sidebars, an accommodating glossary and index, and supportive text, readers will be encouraged to learn and explore the history of the Indians of North America. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Información del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Conflicto y supervivencia (Conflict and Survival)

Total de páginas 32


  • Sandy Phan


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