Librería Estilo

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Arte, política y crítica

Resumen del Libro

Libro Arte, política y crítica

Number 13 of the series gets together 2 thesis submitted for the degree of the Masters in History and Theory of Art and Architecture, focused on the relationship between the political discourse and how Columbian art was critically interpreted in different epochs. Lleras examines the state involvement in art through the works of Carlos Correa and Pedro Nel Gómez amongst others while Jaramillo documents the plastic language used by Marco Ospina, Enrique Grau, and Alejandro Obregón amongst others who incorporated European avant-garde elements to become pioneer artists of modernism in Colombia.

Información del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : una aproximación a la consolidación del arte moderno en Colombia

Total de páginas 186


  • Carmen María Jaramillo


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