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Todo acceso: Una casa de modas (Backstage Pass: Fashion) 6-Pack

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Libro Todo acceso: Una casa de modas (Backstage Pass: Fashion) 6-Pack

Learn how a designer's sketch becomes the fashion we wear and how a designer uses math and geometry to make their designs successful in this fashion-filled book! Including information about the fashion industry, clothing fabrics, patterns, and textures, readers learn all about the different aspects of the fashion industry. With a glossary, index, vivid images, informational text, and interesting facts, this Spanish-translated nonfiction book will engage students from beginning to end. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

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Total de páginas 32



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Todo acceso: Una casa de modas (Backstage Pass: Fashion)

Libro Todo acceso: Una casa de modas (Backstage Pass: Fashion)

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