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The Official Spanglish Dictionary

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Libro The Official Spanglish Dictionary

"Oye Broder, Get a Load of These Palabras!"They're all Spanglish words -- and you can hear them on the streets of Miami, Los Angeles, Nueva York, and lots of otherciudadesacross the country where English and Spanish seem to blend and bend into a mind-boggling, veryfonihybrid of two different languages -- or are they sodiferente?Mira:lonchando:Having lunch. "I'mlonchando,I don't wanna talk to him now."yogur:Yogurt. "Este yogurdoesn't really hit the spot when you'relonchando.Maybe I need to order ajambergueand some fries."bacuncliner:Vacuum cleaner. "Aye!I think thebacunclinerjust swallowed my earring!"frizando:To make frozen, or freezing. "Turn up the heat,estoy frizando!"Before long, you'll be ready to graduate to the next level of Spanglish, with terms likepata de puerco("pig leg" -- a new way to call someone an idiot) andJamon del Diablo(deviled-ham product) and phrases like ":Boto la casa por la ventana!" ("That rocks!")The Official Spanglish Dictionarycontains hundreds of terms toguauyour friends and family, plus Spanglish terms of endearment, insults, and those all-important Spanglish pickup lines: "A ti no te duelen ni los callos" ("You're so fine, even your bunions don't hurt").

Información del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Un User's Guia to More Than 300 Words and Phrases That Aren't Exactly Espanol Or Ingles

Total de páginas 175


  • Editors Of Generation N
  • Bill Cruz
  • Bill Teck


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