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Libro Sorolla

Since the Foundation of The Hispanic Society of America in 1904 by Archer M. Huntington (1870-1955), there has never been an artist so closely related to his famous art collection as Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida (1863-1923). The doors of the Hispanic society had only been open for only a few months when Huntington discovered the work of Sorolla, who at the time was exhibiting at Grafton Galleries. Huntington had found in Sorolla an artist that shared the same love for Spain, its villages and habits; that is why he began organizing the exhibition that would take place a year later. They worked together day and night to prepare the exhibition that would open up on February 4th, 1909. It was right then when a great friendship begun. The exhibition was a great success and Huntington was granted the opportunity to obtain some of the most significant works of Sorolla, taking this opportunity to entrust him to paint a series of big historical paintings that would display a wide panorama of Spain and Portugal. In this book, published for the first time, is the complete collection of the works from Sorolla at the Hispanic Society. Text in English and Spanish."

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Total de páginas 238


  • Hispanic Society Of America
  • Joaquín Sorolla
  • Priscilla E. Muller


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