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Lado a Lado

Resumen del Libro

Libro Lado a Lado

This is a method to improve the relationship with your daughter in an environment of mutual respect and trust. How can you convince a mother and her daughter that by yelling and accusing each other, you will only achieve the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish? How can you get them to understand that there is a solution, but that first you have to recognize the fact that both of you are part of the problem. In an effort to answer these questions, Dr. Charles Sophy, a psychiatrist specializing in family therapy, created the “chair strategy,” a workable method whose characteristics and applications are explained in these pages and will allow you to obtain excellent results. Dr. Sophy's technique can help mothers who are experiencing difficult moments with their daughters, whether the daughters are adolescents or adults. It involves a direct and simple strategy. The author demonstrates his strategy with actual experiences and deals with problems such as dating, permission to go out, parties, eating habits, ways to dress, and the use of drugs, among others.

Información del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : El Programa Revolucionario Madre-Hija para una Comunicacion Libre de Conflictos

Total de páginas 229


  • Charles Sophy


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Elijo ser verdaderamente feliz. Responsabilidad, Colección de autoayuda Lo mejor de ti.

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Vivir sin miedos

Libro Vivir sin miedos

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