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In this most unusual book Geoffrey Hodson, one of the greatest occultists, gives a fascinating account of evolution as it relates to a kingdom of nature parallel to man, namely the kingdom of the angelic hosts, known in the East as the kingdom of the Deva-s or “the Shining Ones.” Every religion has its angels and archangels. Legends, myths and folklore of every country throughout the world and in all ages speak of angels and nature-spirits, spirits of mountains, clouds and rivers, and of mischievous imps which delight in playing pranks on human beings. Yet very little specific information is available about them or their functions and activities. The kingdom of the Gods is based on knowledge revealed in occult books like The Secret Doctrine of H. P. Blavatsky and clairvoyant investigations by occultists like Annie Besant, C. W. Leadbeater and the author himself. As to the proof of the existence of these invisible beings the author points out that, while there can be no demonstrable proof of the fruits of mystical experience, test by personal research is possible and he says: “That test I have attempted to apply, and this book is in part a record of my own findings.” The graphic descriptions of the various Deva-s of water, of fire, of mountains and seas, of trees and plants, of music, of individual nations with the colorful illustrations of their forms as seen by clairvoyant vision, lead one unconsciously into a wonderful experience of the comradeship of the angels.

Información del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : The Study of the Gods, Angels and Nature Spirits


  • Geoffrey Hodson


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