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Rastreo del tiempo (Tracking the Weather)

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Libro Rastreo del tiempo (Tracking the Weather)

Rain, sunshine, warm fronts, and cold fronts. Have you ever listened to a weather report? Knowing the weather can help us plan ahead. But reporters aren’t the only ones who can track weather. You can, too! This nonfiction Spanish book explores the subject of meteorology in depth, and introduces students to important scientific concepts and vocabulary like anemometer, barometer, air pressure, warm front, cold front, rain gauge, probability, Celsius, Fahrenheit, and more. The colorful images, diagrams, sidebars, and text features will keep students connected to the text. Aligned to state and national standards, the fun lab activity provides a real-world learning experience that supports STEM instruction. Keep students reading with this high-interest science book!

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Libro Arte y cultura: El British Museum: Clasificar, ordenar y dibujar figuras (Art and Culture: The British Museum: Classify, Sort and Draw Shapes)

Take a trip to the British Museum as you explore its fascinating objects and geometric shapes! This famous London museum was built for exploration - and for learning geometry. Learn about its history and artifacts as you build your geometry skills. This Spanish math book seamlessly integrates the teaching of math and reading, and uses real-world examples to teach math concepts. Text features include images, a glossary, an index, captions, and a table of contents to build students' vocabulary and reading comprehension skills as they interact with the text. The rigorous practice problems,...

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What do churros, macarons, and strudel have in common? In order to bake them successfully, pastry chefs must use fractions! Students will learn comparing fractions while engaged in reading about delectable desserts from around the world. This Spanish book combines mathematics and literacy skills, and uses practical, real-world examples of problem solving to teach math and language arts content. The glossary, index, and table of contents will further understanding of reading and math concepts, and the full-color images, practice problems, and math graphs and charts make learning math easy,...

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Habilidades sociales

Libro Habilidades sociales

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