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El Grupo

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Libro El Grupo

An exceptional novel, a modern classic of extreme elegance and frankness and one of the most brilliant x-rays of the United States in which women began to speak in the first person. The Group is considered the best-known --and controversial-- work of the North American Mary McCarthy. Endowed with a strong autobiographical charge, published in 1963, it addressed issues such as free love, socialism, contraception or abortion from an unprejudiced and purely feminine point of view. In fact, its sale was prohibited in various countries as it was considered offensive to public morals. McCarthy takes us to interwar New York to portray the lives of eight fresh graduates of Vassar College, beginning with the marriage of one of them, Kay Strong, and ending with her funeral in 1940. Kay, Pokey, Dottie, Lakey, Polly, Priss and Helena. Eight independent, restless, free women, at a time when what was expected of them was a home, marriage and family. A game of mirrors that will reveal a heartbreaking reality: only after giving themselves over to adult life and promising not to continue the path traveled by their parents will they face the real world for the first time.

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  • Mary Mccarthy


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