Librería Estilo

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Libros de Various Authors (3 libros)

Cuaderno de Ejercicios Para La Estimulacion de Las Fuerzas Curativas del Amor

Libro Cuaderno de Ejercicios Para La Estimulacion de Las Fuerzas Curativas del Amor

This book offers practical and easy forms to apply in your daily life, either preventively or as a complement to other treatments. Explore these new and traditional processes of vital forces with energy chakras, transpersonal alignment, breath harmonization, and processes of forgiveness...

El Critico Interno Y La Autoaceptacion

Libro El Critico Interno Y La Autoaceptacion

Even after years of personal growth and spiritual practice, many of us have trouble with an essential difficulty: self-acceptance. In this collection of essays, luminaries of our time teach us how to accept and love ourselves under any circumstance. Beautiful book.

Agenda de Las Hadas 2023

Libro Agenda de Las Hadas 2023

Return to walk one more year next to the faerie town. Let yourself be infected by the joy and light of these magical creatures with the new edition of the Diary of the fairies of Obelisco Editions. Unfortunately, as a group, we are living through dark times: pandemics, and wars... However, even in periods of great despair there are cracks through which light can filter. That is part of the wisdom that the fairies have bequeathed to us. From the pages of this diary, these inspiring magical beings will accompany you in your daily life and fill your 2023 with optimism. Use it to write down your...