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Libros de Susaeta Ediciones (2 libros)

Terapias alternativas / Alternative Therapies

Libro Terapias alternativas / Alternative Therapies

La medicina alternativa constituye una opción saludable para prevenir enfermedades de forma natural o paliar los efectos de las que pueden aquejarnos. Constituye un complemento de la medicina tradicional. En este libro se hace un recorrido por las distint


Libro Aviones

Children’s imaginations take flight as they learn how to make more than 60 sophisticated paper airplanes—from the Concorde and the arrowhead jet to a jumbo jet and an F-90 fighter—with this fun craft book. Each plane includes notes on the materials needed to bring it to life as well as information on the plane’s classification, whether fighter jet, glider, interceptor, or aerobatic jet. From planes that fly quickly for a short while to those that glide gently over long distances, this book provides a multitude of options for indoor and outdoor fun. Las imaginaciones de los niños...