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Libros de Mark J. Harasymiw (2 libros)

Matemáticas en Marte (Math on Mars)

Libro Matemáticas en Marte (Math on Mars)

Mars is perhaps the most thrilling planet these days. With rovers exploring its surface and manned missions in the works, people are wondering if Mars is our next home! In this highinterest book, readers will learn more about Earth's neighbor, including what its climate and surface are like, why it's called the Red Planet, and about the recent discovery of water on its surface. They'll learn all this while solving "Your Mission" math problems that complement and support the text. This motivating volume is an engaging way to explore key aspects of science and math curricula.

Matemáticas en el cinturón de asteroides (Math in the Asteroid Belt)

Libro Matemáticas en el cinturón de asteroides (Math in the Asteroid Belt)

The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is an intriguing area of our solar system. Scientists have counted over 670,000 known asteroids there, but there could be millions more not yet found. Readers will discover much more about the asteroid belt in this highinterest book, which blends science and math. They'll read about several topics, such as space missions to the asteroid belt and the difference between an asteroid and a planet, and solve associated math problems-just like actual space scientists do!