Librería Estilo

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Libros de Anne Van Stappen (2 libros)

Cuaderno de Ejercicios Para Afirmarse y Atreverse a Decir Al Fin Que No

Libro Cuaderno de Ejercicios Para Afirmarse y Atreverse a Decir Al Fin Que No

The appealing and accessible books in this series provide detailed activities that accentuate the more positive and enriching aspects of life and encourage the taking of a more active role in achieving happiness. The workbook format allows readers to take a hands-on approach to their lives by completing exercises, taking notes, and making the books their own. Arguing that it is possible to be assertive without being unpleasant to others, this handbook gives tips on how to modify certain behaviors that prevent people from displaying their true selves. The book proposes a series of activities...

Cuaderno de Ejercicios Para La Estimulacion de Las Fuerzas Curativas del Amor

Libro Cuaderno de Ejercicios Para La Estimulacion de Las Fuerzas Curativas del Amor

This book offers practical and easy forms to apply in your daily life, either preventively or as a complement to other treatments. Explore these new and traditional processes of vital forces with energy chakras, transpersonal alignment, breath harmonization, and processes of forgiveness...